Welcome to the land of good wines!

 We are all students. This is for most of us the first time in Hungary. We want to know the culture. A natural part of that is the Hungarian wine culture. Wines are cheap and relatively good. However, there we are again; in the supermarket, confused, tired and mad. Trying to pick something out. It is hard. It does not work.  What kind of Hungarian wines should I buy?

 In Hungary, there are 22 wine regions altogether. The most well-known ones are layed out here to make the life of students easier.

 The most famous wines come undoubtedly from the region of Tokaj. During the 16th and 17th century you could find Tokaj’s wines on the table of every king. Louis XV of France referred to it as  "Vinum Regum, Rex Vinorum", meaning "Wine of Kings, King of Wines". This line is still used in marketing Tokaji wines today. This district is even protected as a World Heritage site. Probably the most famous wines from this district are dessert wines. These are a kind of sweet wine, ideally served with dessert.

 If red wines are preferred, then we have to turn our eyes to Eger. Eger is another famous wine region that Hungary can boast about. Its trademark are red wines and especially a brand called Bull's Blood (Egri Bikavér). The legend is that it got its name during the Turkish siege of Eger. Rumor was that the defenders mixed red wine with bull’s blood to give them strength. And Eger was saved from the Turkish people. Bull’s Blood is the best choice with a bowl of stew or game meat.

 The rival for Eger’s red wines is Szekszárd, that similarly produces full-bodied reds. It is one of the oldest red wine regions  in Hungary. Some wine lovers prefer Szekszárd red wines to Eger’s. Which one is the best one? This is what we have to find out by ourselves!

 Villány wine region is also known for its reds and rosés. It is Hungary’s most southern wine region and the wines that come there are full-bodied and spicy. The majority of award-winning Hungarian wines are produced in this region. They can be a bit more expensive but definetely worth of trying!

 A fifth known wine region is around lake Balaton, that has a sub-Mediterranean climate that is again ideal for growing grapes. This is essentially a region of white wine. The Balaton region itself consists of many subregions and so it is possible to find even some full-bodied Chardonnay and to a lesser extent, Italian Riesling.

 Last but not least comes the Sopron wine region. It is on the Austrian border and again known for its red wines. Sopron is the capital of the Blue Frankish wine production. Blue Frankish is the name of the grape the wine is made from. It is used for red wines. It is typically rich in tannin and quite spicy.
Hungarians love wines. Staying here means getting to know the local culture. Knowing the wine regions means knowing what kind of local wines to buy.

Karl Haljasmets, Estonia, Public Policy


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