Upcoming Events

English language play: Vernissage
The theatre company Tető Színház (Theater on the Roof) presents the play “Vernissage” by the Czech author Vaclav Havel on Friday, October 11th 2013 at 8pm. If your Hungarian is not yet strong enough to enjoy a play at the National Theater, use the opportunity to see a play in English. Tickets are 1500 HUF and available at Massolit Books & Café.
More Information: www.theatreontheroof.com

Café Budapest
The Budapest Design Week is barely over and the city prepares for its cultural festival, focusing on contemporary art. Café Budapest, recently renamed from Budapest Autumn Festival, will feature numerous art forms ranging from theatre and music productions, installations and exhibitions.
Dates: 11th - 20th October 2013 
More Information: www.cafebudapestfest.hu

Chagall - Between War and Peace & Imre Ámos, “The Hungarian Chagall”: In the Vortex of The War
The paintings of two famous Jewish artists of the 20th century will be exhibited by the Hungarian National Gallery starting this fall. The works both by Chagall and Ámos reflect strongly on their personal experiences as emigrants and victims of the Holocaust.
Dates: 13th September 2013 - 5th January 2014
Location: Hungarian National Gallery
More information: www.mng.hu

World Press Photo Exhibition 2013
World Press Photo’s annual exhibition can be easily summarized as “ world news seen through the lenses of the world’s best photographers” ranging from hot topics such as the Syrian conflict to lesser-known issues such as same-sex relations in Vietnam. It’s a must-see for everyone with an interest either in photography or politics.
Dates: 27th September 2013 - 27th October 2013
Location: Museum of Ethnography
More information: www.neprajz.hu

Ágnes Kelemen & Julia Michalsky


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