Welcome Afternoon on Friday: You Should Be There!

Thanks to CEU's Student Life Office all the academic years start with a pleasant event at the end of the Pre-Session. Yes, I am talking about the Welcome Afternoon, an event where you should definitely be there if it is your first year at CEU, so you can find out what kind of student clubs we have, and if you miss anything, you can found your own club. However, you should join even if it is not your first September here, since you can meet new students and new clubs.
Additionally, The CEU Weekly Editorial Team will be represented. We would love to meet our current and future readers, we are open to feedbacks and suggestions. And we are also looking forward to see those who have already applied to join us and those who did not yet.

See you on Friday, 1 pm in Nádor 13, Ground floor.

The CEU Weekly Team
The Great Gathering of People from All Over the World


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