A Nation in Shock: Help Recovery, Relief and Rebuilding Efforts in Nepal

The recent earthquakes in Nepal have taken the lives of almost 8,500 people. So far, more than 75,000 people are injured and 500,000 people displaced. The earthquake on the 25th of April was the worst in 81 years. Following the earthquake, there have been more than 150 aftershocks. Less than three weeks later, another big-magnitude earthquake struck already devastated Nepal, costing more lives and creating more damage as houses and infrastructure weakened by the first earthquake began to collapse, especially in districts outside of the capital. Road blockages induced by landslides have also disrupted ongoing relief and rescue efforts.
We, a group of concerned CEU students from all over the world including Nepal, want to reach out to the CEU community to support the people of Nepal who need us now more than ever. It is our hope that CEU’s diverse community of world citizens will come together to stand with Nepal in the aftermath of this disaster.
If you would like to know more about the ongoing donation drive, please like and share our Facebook page ‘Budapest for Nepal’.

How You Can Help

We hope the CEU community can come together in this crucial moment and show our joint support for Nepal. We would appreciate any  donation. No amount is too little. Here is how you can help.

Donate online:
You can donate online to our fundraising campaign at Indiegogo using your debit/credit card (no minimum amount requirement): https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/budapest-for-nepal As of  May 17th, we have raised 50% of our goal of $2000 in the platform. Our supportive team at the School of Public Policy (comprising of faculty and staff) have also agreed to match donations up to $350. With your help, we will get these donations to the most vulnerable areas where help has rarely reached or is yet to reach.

Donate in person:
  • You can also donate in person, you will find us at the info-table in the Oktogon area between 12 and 3 pm every weekday. You can taste our delicious baked goods at the table while helping Nepal with your donations.
  • Alternately, you can drop your donation in the box placed in Nador 9 cafeteria or at the CEU Residence Centre reception ( look for Budapest for Nepal boxes). 

Donate your services/skills/time:
  • Participate in our donation drive on campus
  • Help us design infographics/posters
  • Share promotional posts via social media with your department/network
  • Contribute baked goods to the donation drive.

If you would like to help by offering your services, please write to us at budapest4nepal@gmail.com.

Where Will the Donations Go?
After careful consideration, we have decided to raise money for the Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON), a national network of non-profit youth organizations. We know their work and leadership personally and trust them to know where the donations are needed most. AYON will use the money to provide immediate relief as well as to work on transitional and sustainable long-term rebuilding efforts in Nepal, a task it started less than 24 hours after the first earthquake. Therefore, all the funds raised will be donated to AYON directly.

More information on AYON:

Shaileshwori Sharma 
School of Public Policy 


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