Meet the Student Union

The SU is the self-government of students enrolled at CEU. 

The SU represents the interests of all CEU students.

/Art.2., CEU’s Student Union Constitution/

In the beginning of October, Student Representatives from each academic program at CEU received an invitation to the first Student Union Assembly (SUA) this academic year. During this year’s first meeting Luis Cano, SU President of 2013/14, talked about his experience and about the ins and outs of the Student Union during his tenure. In my view, this presentation was a great help, especially for new Student Representatives, as it enabled them to have a better understanding of the Student Union’s functions in general. They could also ask practical questions about certain positions. Luis highlighted that last year SU focused on event organization and on the funding of Student Clubs.
A major development in this year’s election process for main positions within SU was the campaign period introduced during last year’s constitutional reforms. The added one-week long campaign period gave a chance for nominees to gather support in a more organized manner, in contrast to last year’s voting which was based more or less on first impressions during the first Assembly meeting, immediately after nominations. The elections for academic year 2014/15 took place on October 7; representatives were elected to the SU Board, to the Senate, and to various Senate Committees. If you want to get more information about the structure and the responsibilities of the Student Union - check out the SU Constitution which is available online.
Following the elections, the SU Board could start working on this year’s plans and budget. I attended one of their very first Board meetings to inquire about their general ideas and visions concerning this academic year. Two of the main points that the new SU President, Shirlene Afshar-Vogl from the Department of Public Policy (DPP) emphasized were a desire to run SU on the basis of a representative democracy and the need for transparency. Shirlene believes that “every member of the CEU Community should have a say in SU affairs” and that she imagines “a highly inclusive SU which welcomes initiatives from all members of the CEU Community.”  This idea manifested during the SU election’s campaign when Shirlene put out posters with empty space on them where people could leave comments. The Board would like to focus on strengthening inter-departmental relationships and are eager to organize events that facilitate connections between departments and the larger CEU Community. Student Clubs will also remain in the centre of the attention of the Union as Clubs play an important role in creating these interdepartmental relationships. The Board also sees itself as a propagator of creative, innovative ideas and they encourage everyone to approach them with not only complaints, but also with new initiatives. As Shirlene said, “the SU door is always open and welcomes everyone along with their ideas”, although, the SU Office is about to be relocated from its present place, but in the mean time, you can follow the SU on Facebook and get in touch with them through email at Here are some introductions written by some of the freshly elected members: who they are, where they come from and what their plans are for this year at SU!

Alexandra Medzibrodszky (History, Hungary)

      SU President: Shirlene Afshar-Vogl (USA, Public Policy)
Shirlene Afshar-Vogl
USA, Public Policy
Hi everyone, my name is Shirlene, I am originally from California but have been living in Magyarorszag for the past 4 years. The reason why I ran for SU president is because I am enthusiastic about making our time at CEU the best it can possibly be. During my time as SU President I would like to bring the CEU departments and faculties together as a united community. I am so excited to be a part of a diverse community such as CEU because I love to meet new people and love to learn about new cultures, traditions, and most importantly their FOOD! The SU has a lot of fun and interactive plans ahead. I look forward to this year and encourage people to say hi when they see me on and off campus!
Agnes Raboczki
Hungary, Political Science
SU Vice President: Agnes Raboczki (Hungary, Political Science)
Hey everyone, my name is Agi and I will serve as Vice President this year. I am a one year Master’s student at the Political Science Department. I am from Budapest so please feel free to approach me with any questions you might have about weird Hungarian things. This year I would like to concentrate on bringing together the CEU community by creating opportunities for students to meet people outside their departments. This, I will achieve, through kick-ass parties. Later Vader.
SU Treasurer: Istvan Kovacs (Hungary, Economics)
Istvan Kovacs
Hungary, Economics
Hi CEU, my name is István, I am from Hungary. This is my second year in the MA in Economic Policy program at CEU. I ran for the SU Representative role because I wanted to be of help to my fellow students, and I chose to become a candidate for the SU Treasurer position because I want to help our whole community the best way I can. This position is a perfect fit for me as I have related work experience and would love to improve the existing processes. I cannot wait to start our cooperation this year and make great things happen from which the whole CEU community can benefit! See you guys on campus and in our office! 
Susanne Gjonnes
Norway, Public Policy
SU Secretary and Rep. for Senate Sustainability Advisory Committee: Susanne Gjonnes (Norway, Public Policy)
I am Susanne from Norway and El Salvador and I am doing a Mundus MA in Public Policy. The motivation behind running for Secretary was that I wanted to be active and take greater responsibility in the Student Union. This year, I want to contribute to making the SU a more democratic and involved, and increase student participation in the Union. 

SU General Board Members
Saif UllahNasar
Pakistan, Sociology and Social Anthropology
SaifUllahNasar (Pakistan, Sociology and Social Anthropology)
I’m SaifUllahNasar – SU General Board Member and Sociology / Social Anthropology student at CEU – from Pakistan. I felt it binding to pay back CEU as an SU member instead of only benefiting from its generous scholarship. I take this position both as an opportunity, to learn a lot from the experience, and a challenge, to render to CEU and its student community something fresh, stimulating, provoking and positive. My quiet nature, that works subtly, will be a good addition to this year’s SU team.

Victor Mercader (Mexico, Public Policy)
Victor Mercader
Mexico, School of Public Policy
 ¡Hola amigos! My name is Victor and I am a Mexican student doing his Erasmus Mundus MA in Public Policy. During the Academic Year 2014-15 I have the awesome opportunity to be part of the General Board in the Student Union and also part of the Disciplinary Committee. I am assuming those roles to represent you and to approve the best projects for any cool activity you would like to address to the SU. Please consider that activities related to Salsa, Tequila, Tacos, Guacamole and Fiesta will be top priorities. Of course, any initiative to help CEU students bond in a lifetime friendship. I am always available to discuss your concerns. See you around CEU, we will make sure you have a great experience here!
Eva Hanna (the Netherlands, Gender Studies)
"My name is Eva, I am Dutch and an Erasmus Mundus student in the Gender Studies department. I believe my taste in music is flawless, nothing beats good food, and classes are just obstacles in-between naps. Always down for anything that involves stroopwafels, Tom Waits and Jeffrey Campbell. In the SUB to make this year unforgettable for all of us. Come say hi!"
Varun Santhosh (India, Environmental Sciences and Policy)
Varun Santhosh
India, Environmental Sciences and Policy
"Namaskaram! I’m Varun from India and am in the 1st year of the MESPOM program. I wanted to be a member of the Student Union Board to help shape policy of our university while forming long-lasting bonds with our very diverse student community. I am very gung ho about open democratic processes. I hope that the SU will succeed in creating an ethos of shared ownership in our CEU community. Oh, and if you have exciting travel plans, count me in; I’m always looking out to quench my eternal wanderlust!"
Dmytro Galagan
Ukraine, Legal Studies
SU General Board Member and SU Senate Representative
Dmytro Galagan (Ukraine, Legal Studies)
Hi, my name is Dmytro Galagan, I am a 25 years old Ukrainian and a second year student of the S.J.D. program at Legal Studies Department. I run for the SU Board Member because: (1) I am preparing myself for an international arbitration career and I anticipate settling countless disputes between SU members, administration, and students; (2) I promote libertarian values at CEU - individual liberty, rule of law, private property, free-market and peaceful interaction; and (3) just look into my blue eyes – who else would you trust to carry this representation burden?" :-)

SU Senate Representatives

Shaileshwori Sharma (Nepal, School of Public Policy)
Shaileshwori Sharma
Nepal, School of Public Policy
I am Shaileshwori Sharma from Nepal and I go by 'Shai'. I am a first-year MPA student in the School of Public Policy. I ran for the Senate Representative position because I am passionate about policy and policy-making, have had previous experiences of both working with and within the administration, and wanted to represent the voices and interest of CEU's diverse student body well.

Jennifer Gitiri (Kenya, Legal Studies)
Jennifer Gitiri
Kenya, Legal Studies

I am Jennifer Gitiri, I come from Kenya. My main interest in law is Human Rights and Constitutionalism. I dream of a day when Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law will be a mantra in the entire world. My hobbies are reading, watching movies and traveling. A good read does it for me! So far, my best Autobiography is "Long walk to Freedom" by Nelson Mandela, I get inspired by his resilience. I also love traveling and experiencing different cultures and places. It’s amazing how diverse the world is! So far, I have been to 15 countries and I would be a happy person if I got to at least 100.

Student Union dictionary:
SU Assembly:The SU Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Student Union (SU) and it usually meets once a month. Every representative has one vote to cast; representatives for the Roma Access Program are non-voting members of the Assembly.
SU Board:The SU Board is responsible for the general management of SU affairs and the main decision-making body of the SU in-between the meetings of the Assembly. Main positions in the Board are the following: the President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, and five general Board members.

Senate Representatives: They are the bridge between the Senate and the SU Assembly. They attend Senate meetings and report back to the Assembly which discusses the issues and agrees on proposals. For instance, last year after detailed discussion, the Assembly proposed modifications to the Sexual Harassment Policy, to the Policy on Plagiarism and to the Student Disability Policy. There are three representatives for the Senate; one for the 1YMA, one for the 2YMA and one for PhD programs.


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