To the presidential seat, Luis brings with him a law degree and a specialization in Constitutional Law, credentials he feels will help him to be “very careful when [designing and reviewing] legislation.” He also brings particular aspirations to the table. He wants not only to lead the student body, but to also “follow” it. While aiming to be a “good manager,” he sees us collectively as his fellow companion.
When it comes to most important issues that should be addressed this year, either in the assembly or the senate, he points not to anti-discrimination or sexual harassment policies – which have surfaced as hot topics of debate recently as the year’s first Academic Forum approaches this week – but to finance. He has the elimination (or lack) of research grants from various departments in mind when he says he hopes there’ll be discussions on “the management of resources, mainly financial ones that affect students.” Regarding CEU’s sexual harassment and discrimination policies, Luis notes, “The policies are already there.” At the same time, he does wish that the energy that’s been coming from students as well as professors to better these policies continues, because harassment and discrimination are serious problems, and “every year there is discrimination.” Luis also wants it known that all complaints of harassment and discrimination are to his knowledge never neglected and that transgressors are and have always been disciplined accordingly.
Some, however, may not agree with the efficacy of current provisions, at least in relation to harassment. An anti-harassment policy proposal is due for consideration by the Forum. The proposal aims to correct CEU’s Code of Ethics’ section on harassment by implementing – according to a memo shared by Alex Fleming on her Facebook Group Enough! Stop Sexism and Sexual Harassment at CEU — a “separate Policy on Harassment” altogether, so as to establish “proper regulation of these issues.” Luis acknowledges the proposal as an example of success (or in this case a first step to victory) that the student body can themselves achieve by working together persistently; which is also why he wants us not only to continue utilizing Facebook, (and twitter, which he finds “supper important”) to voice our concerns and to organize, but also to take advantage of an upcoming refurbished Student Union Website.
“The website now…it’s a mess,” he says.
Many of us have seen it: the upcoming event under the “Our Events” section is a DeStress Week activity at 18:00 on November 30, 2012; the graduation party will go down at the Godor Club on June 17, 2010; and the most “Recent News” is a “CEU Weekly: Interview with the New President of the Student Union,” Emily Saras.
But there’s hope: “Workers are working on it,” says Luis.
Also in an attempt to improve activity and productivity of student union’s services, Luis plans to transform the bulletin board in the space outside the CEU auditorium into a contact—access board, on which members of the Student Union Assembly will have listed their photos, contact information, as well as a brief description of themselves. This would bring student representatives closer to the entire CEU community.
Asked if that project too is something that workers are working on, Luis has affirmed: “Yes…that will happen.”
Philippe-Edner Marius, USA, Public Policy
Editorial note: See Alex Fleming’s article on the shortcomings of the enforcement and accessibility of CEU’s Sexual Harrassment Policy in the 36th issue of The CEU Weekly and on our blog. ( http://ceuweekly.blogspot.hu/2013/10/ceus-sexual-harassment-problem.html)
Student Union Board 2013-2014:
President: Luis Cano
Vice-President: Vlad Viski
Treasurer: Kevindaryan Galindo
Secretary: Guðrún Rós Árnadóttir
General Board Members: Diane Manovich, Tanja Kuijpers, Apratim De, Péter Visnovitz, Simone Kranendonk
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