Picture Perfect - Call for Photos of CEU life

Usually, CEU Weekly focuses on publishing interesting and thought-provoking written pieces by CEU students, staff and alumni. However, for the last printed issue of the AY 2012/2013 we are looking for your photos!

To get you started here are some of the categories we would like to see represented:
  •           Exploring Budapest/Hungary
  •           Dorm Parties
  •           Travelling
  •           CEU Spring Ball aka Boat Party
  •           Dorm Life
  •           Student Club Activities
  •           Living the Alumni Life
  •         Etc.

A selection of the best shots will be printed and available in the next issue right before graduation. Thus, the next issue will be a nice souvenir of your CEU times as well. In addition, we would like to share the best photos on the CEU Weekly blog.

Start looking through your hard and flash drives and send us a selection of what you think are your best shots of life in and around CEU. 

The deadline is Friday, June 7th 2013 at 4pm. Please, send your submissions as e-mail attachments to ceuweekly@ceu.hu. Please, also include your name, nationality and CEU program and if possible the names of other people shown in the photo.

Just as a reminder, only submit photos you have personally taken and are allowed to share.

All the Best,

The CEU Weekly Team


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