Rock the Boat - Why Spring Ball is more than just another party

 As you might have already heard from your GroupWise account or the posters strewn across the university, CEU's annual Spring Ball is coming up on March 23 on the Europa Boat, this year with the motto »Masquerade at Midnight«. A Ball? On a boat? With a dress code?? To those of you that came to CEU only this year or didn't attend last year, a few remarks on the event may help understand what it is (and also what it is not) about. As former Treasurer of the Student Union, I was closely involved in last year's organization of Spring Ball; I suppose that qualifies me to share some »veteran stories«.

I think I am not going too far in calling Spring Ball the biggest social gathering that the CEU academic year has to offer apart from graduation; as far as budget and participants are concerned, it is definitely the largest event that the Student Union is organizing, in close collaboration with the Student Life Office. Last year's event, titled »Bring your flower spirit« and held in May 2012, attracted nearly 800 guests –current students, alumni, staff, as well as their friends and family– for an evening of music, dance, and drink. So far so standard; it's a party alright. Yet, there are two features that make this party stick out from your usual run-of-the-mill parties throughout the year.

Party Sightseeing
For one thing, there is the venue: last year for the first time, Student Union did not book a ballroom but a boat on the Danube, the »Europa«. Initially, this decision was made out of necessity; the place booked in previous years had closed down, forcing us to reconsider. When SLO presented us with alternatives, we were a bit skeptical about choosing a boat. Is it big enough to hold hundreds of people? Is it open-air, and if so, what about the weather? As this may have been on your mind too when reading our announcement, let me assure you: the boat was big enough to easily hold our 800 guests last year, and the inside area of the boat is quite extensive. On two inside floors, there was space enough for the dance floor and stage, two bars, tables for card games, a lounge area, and a cloak room. Additionally, and this is the boat's biggest asset, the upper deck gives you the opportunity to see Budapest from a perspective that you haven't experienced yet. During the cruise, the boat takes several rounds on the Danube, giving you the chance to take some gorgeous pictures of the Parliament, the various bridges, and other famous sights. Last year's guests enjoyed the view very much, and you can too; but don't forget, it's March, so bring your coat!

»Suit up!«
Speaking of coats, the vexed question of dress code. In my opinion, this is the other factor that makes Spring Ball special. In keeping with the terminology of Barney Stinson, it encourages you to »suit up!« at least for this one night during the year. Of course my opinion on this is a biased one, considering that I personally don't mind wearing shirt and tie even when there is no special occasion; but I also like the fact that an event like this prompts you to grab into the depths of your closet to drag out that fancy dress you bought years ago, or the suit you once wore for graduation and never since. Additionally, the theme of the night, the Masquerade, is meant to inspire you to add some detail or accessory to your outfit.
For lack of a better word in the English language, we called it »dress code«. One thing I want to point out here, though, is that by no means do we hold this »code« to be an iron-clad obligation! If you don't feel comfortable in formal attire, we won't turn you down at the door for wearing a casual outfit. Or if you want to cross-dress, feel free to do so. Spring Ball is an event for all of us, and it is up to you what you make of it. Take our »dress code« is an encouragement to dress up, an inspiration for your possible outfit. We would be really happy if many of you took the Ball as a special occasion to dress up in a way that you usually wouldn't for a regular party.

Considering the positive feedback we received after last year's Spring Ball, we are confident that it will be just as enjoyable this year. We are looking forward to a long party night with all of you there!

Christian Pasche
Department of Political Science

Ticket sales (1,500 HUF, incl. Welcome Drink): CEU Octagon, every day between March 18 and 22 from 12:00 to 14:00.
The Ball: March 23, 21:00–04:00 on Europa Boat (Szilágyi Dezső tér, close to M2 Batthyány tér); cruise between 23:00 and 00:30 (no entrance during this time!)


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